Author: admin

How to Keep Your Dental Implant Clean and Safe

Do you have dental implants? If so, you know how important it is to keep them looking their best. For example, Colgate suggests brushing dental implants up to three times per day, depending on your oral health and the type of implants you have. While they are a more permanent solution to missing teeth than traditional dentures or bridges, they still need […]

What Are the Benefits of Veneers in Pasadena?

People around the world spend more than $2 billion every year on the dental veneer market. Demand for dental veneers is projected to grow by about 8% every year at least until 2030. Those numbers are a strong indicator of how much value veneers can provide for those who receive them. However, not everyone is familiar with the variety of benefits that veneers […]

7 Natural Home Remedies for Toothache Relief

National Toothache Day is just around the corner. Held on February 9th each year, National Toothache Day is a time to bring awareness to this dental issue. It’s also the time to understand toothache treatments and prevention. Taking painkillers and using toothache gels are the most common home remedies for toothache. But if you prefer all-natural remedies, you may look for an […]

how to fix a chipped tooth

How to Fix a Chipped Tooth

There is an increase in the number of stress-related oral health conditions, with 63% of dentists surveyed reporting more chipped teeth and more cracked teeth. A chipped tooth is not only an uncomfortable and unpleasant condition, but it can also detract from the appearance of your smile.  Whether you have a dental injury or simply chipped your tooth while eating something, it […]

Veneers vs Crowns

Dental Veneers vs Crowns: What’s the Difference?

Did you know that more than a quarter of people in the United States suffer from tooth decay? There are many dental problems that can destroy the appearance of your teeth and make them discolored, chipped, cracked, and so on. Some may even be damaged to such an extent that it may hurt to chew on them.  Fortunately, dental crowns and veneers […]

Inlays and Onlays: The Perfect Solution for Damaged Teeth

In the US, 1 in 4 adults currently have at least one cavity, and 90% of adults over 20 have had at least one cavity during their lifetime. Tooth decay can seriously damage your teeth and leave you wondering what tooth repair options you have. Dental inlays and onlays are great solutions to fix areas of damage and decay in your teeth and are something […]

The Complete Guide to Choosing a Cosmetic Dentist in Pasadena, CA

The average American laughs about eight times a day, though 57% feel the need to cover their mouths when they laugh. Do you feel insecure about the appearance of your teeth, too? You might consider choosing a cosmetic dentist in Pasadena, CA, instead of concealing your smile. Not every cosmetic dentist will offer the specific services you’re interested in. Don’t waste […]

9 Common Reasons Why Your Teeth Hurt

Oral diseases currently affect about 3.5 billion people worldwide. In fact, untreated tooth decay is one of the most common health conditions globally. About two billion people have cavities. Tooth decay is only one of the dental problems you might experience if your teeth hurt, though. Here are nine common reasons you might begin experiencing tooth sensitivity. If these problems sound familiar, schedule an […]

The Essential Guide to Clean and Fresh Aligners

Keeping your aligners clean is vital for their effectiveness and your oral health. Here’s a concise guide to help you maintain fresh aligners throughout your treatment. Aligners come into contact with your teeth, saliva, and the environment, making them susceptible to bacteria, plaque, and odors. Neglecting proper cleaning can lead to oral issues and hinder your progress. Easy and Effective […]